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Quality That Goes Beyond Expectations

Imperial Wagyu Beef is ALL NATURAL – raised in A NEVER EVER PROGRAM:

  • No growth promotants – ever

  • No hormones administered – ever

  • No antibiotics – ever

  • No feed containing animal by-products – ever

  • Strict Care

A Healthier Product

According to research, the protein in Wagyu beef can help maintain muscle while burning fat as it increases oxygen intake, energy production, and metabolic rate. It also helps maintain cell membranes and increases the body’s production of good prostaglandins – an unsaturated fatty acid that controls smooth muscle contraction, blood pressure, inflammation, and ideal body temperature.

Additionally, the increased Omegas 3 and 6 help transport and metabolize triglycerides and cholesterol. Studies have shown that a higher monounsaturated fatty acid in the diet is associated with lower cardio vascular disease.

Beef Marbeling-Grading Scale

Marbling: the difference is in the detail.

Grading outlining the quality differences. Referencing the Japanese Beef Marbling Standards (BMS), the carcasses are sorted into four distinct grades of our own: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10 and up.

Grading is completed each week to assure you receive the quality grade you expect on a consistent basis. 

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